Braima Massaquoi CA ’14

September 30, 2017


Alumni, Carpentry

Braima Massaquoi

My path to NBSS wasn’t a straight one, although I always considered carpentry to be my first career choice. I originally studied accounting at Bay State College and worked as a bookkeeper for one year.

I did not enjoy the work so I quit and started a retail business importing and selling cultural items. I then got into welding and maintenance, working for a maintenance company and then starting my own business. I am also in the National Guard in an engineering unit and spent time in Afghanistan training Afghan soldiers in basic carpentry. When I returned from Afghanistan, I decided to invest in what I really like doing, and I applied to NBSS.

One of the best things about the program was the collective group. We all came to the program with different experiences, knowledge, backgrounds and attitudes. Some are just out of high school and others, like me, have done many things.

We learned from [Department Head] Brian Vogt, and also from each other. The field work was great, [which included working with former instructor Patrick O’Shaughnessy]. Brian has high expectations and taught us about the difference between perfection and precision, and when each is appropriate. I definitely feel it was a good investment.

When I’m not working or with the National Guard, I like to run, practice martial arts, draw and spend time with my family.