Claudia Constanzo BB ’05

October 1, 2017


Bookbinding, Alumni

Claudia Constanzo BB '05The greatest benefit of my Bookbinding diploma is that I love going to work every day. I work at the National Conservation Center in Santiago, Chile and I have a studio with private clients.

I love working with my hands. After working on a project for a long time, I enter a meditative state that is enjoyable and relaxing.

Book and box by Claudia

Before coming to NBSS, I earned a bachelor’s degree in design in Santiago. After that, it was difficult to convince my family that I could make a career in bookbinding and conservation. Nobody in Chile studies bookbinding. In fact, very few people in the world do. It’s important for prospective students to know that people can pursue unusual careers or trades and be successful and happy.

NBSS is an especially welcoming community. I had a wonderful time and made great friends. I spent a lot of time on the bench learning how to do the work through experience. The hands-on work was very helpful later in my job. Despite some challenges finding the money to go NBSS, it was worth it. I love my career.

NBSS is an especially welcoming community. I had a wonderful time and made great friends… The hands-on work was very helpful later in my job.