Lauren Moon-Schott BB ’13

October 8, 2017


Bookbinding, Alumni

Lauren Moon-Schott

While attending Sarah Lawrence College (class of 2010), I began my studies in the field of art history. As I learned how much I enjoy working with my hands in concert with academics, my pursuits quickly developed into a course of study in art restoration.

My studies included a year of art chemistry, a year of practical art restoration in Florence, Italy and, as my specific interests were honed, a year of artist’s books and bookmaking.

I have held internships at the Library of Congress, the National Archives and Dartmouth College Library, all of which have informed my decision to become a bookbinder. After a year of volunteering on an urban farm and community garden in AmeriCorps (service term 2010-2011) in which I indulged my love of the outdoors and environmental health, I enrolled in NBSS’s bookbinding program.

Lauren now works behind the scenes and the Boston Public Library. She made headlines in 2015 when she recovered two misplaced prints in the Library’s collection. Read more here.