Bookbinding London Trip 2013

March 13, 2014

Several bookbinding students and the head of the bookbinding program, Jeff Altepeter, traveled to England in February 2013 to explore historical book collections, meet suppliers and visit their fellow bookbinders across the pond.

While staying in London, bookbinding students visited libraries housing historically significant collections and handled original binding structures. The British Library and the Bodlian in Oxford both granted the students private tours and pulled outstanding examples of bookbinding from their collections for students to examine. Some of the binding that were shown can be seen in the gallery below.

The students also met up with, and were generously hosted by, professional bookbinders in the London area including Bernard Middleton, Flora Ginn and Dominic Riley.

The bookbinding program travels to London every couple of year making it possible for students to see these historic treasures.

London Bookbinding Trip