NBSS Violin Program Participates in MIT study
Violin Making & RepairMIT acousticians and fluid dynamicists, along with violin makers at NBSS, have analyzed measurements from hundreds of Cremonese-era violins, identifying key design features that contribute to these particular violins’ acoustic power, or fullness of sound.
The researchers found that the shape and length of ‘f-holes’ and the thickness of a violin’s back plate are the two features that most affect an instrument’s acoustic power.
The research was picked up by national and international media including NBC News, Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, The Daily Telegraph and more. Read about the research on MIT News.
“Studying historic instruments and making violins for decades improves a maker’s understanding of how to create the best acoustic properties. Science and precise measurements add to our understanding and also influence our practice.”
Roman Barnas, Violin Making & Repair Department Head
This story was part of the Spring 2015 issue of Benchmarks magazine. See more Benchmarks issues here, or download a pdf of the entire issue.