In the Making: Ainsley Donaldson CF ’73
“NBSS is my favorite alma mater.”
On Tuesday, January 28, 2025, we hosted Ainsley Donaldson CF ’73 the first woman to be admitted into and graduate from the Cabinet & Furniture Making program. She also became the School’s first Admissions Director in 1984. By September 1985, Ainsley had boosted the percentage of women enrolled in the School from 19% to 27%. In subsequent years, the number of women increased to more than 30% of the student body.*
Ainsley discussed her decision to enter into the furniture world at NBSIS (we were known as North Bennet Street Industrial School at the time) in 1972, her continued ties to our community, and her woodworking practice beyond NBSS.
* From Rewarding Work: A History of Boston’s North Bennet Street School
“In the Making” is a public programs series where we connect with a range of new voices, fields, and perspectives. Learn more and view a full list of events on the series homepage.
With thanks to our underwriters
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Holt & Bugbee
Adams + Beasley Associates
Columbia Contracting Corp.
Feinmann, Inc.
F.H. Perry Builder
Firestone & Parson Inc.
Inland Underwriters Insurance Agency
MUECKE Design & Construction
PACLOCK, with H to O Supply