Pulling Together: The Portrait Project
Bookbinding, Alumni, Cabinet & Furniture Making, Students, Carpentry, Jewelry Making & Repair, Locksmithing & Security Technology, Piano Technology, Preservation Carpentry, Violin Making & RepairPulling Together: Community Portraits From a Year Like No Other
Despite the pandemic, North Bennet Street School (NBSS) Retail & Exhibit Manager Kristen Odle couldn’t stand to cancel the Annual Celebration of Craft: Student & Alumni Exhibit, a favorite tradition in which students and alumni display and sell their strongest work from the past year. Instead, she ambitiously reshaped the exhibition into a series of unique studio portraits of NBSS students, staff, and faculty.
Initially, the Portrait Project set out to thank the students for sustaining an incredibly challenging year with the practical gift of a professional headshot. However, the idea soon took on a life of its own and became a meaningful vehicle for recording and documenting each participant’s unique educational experience. Kristen explains, “The project quickly blossomed into an online exhibit that showcases who we are and what we have been working on all year.”
Tony Luong, a talented Boston photographer known for capturing the humanness of his subjects, previously shot a portrait of Lance Patterson CF ’79, fabled Cabinet & Furniture Making instructor. Drawn to Tony’s warm, “more-than-a-photographer” personality that makes those around him feel confident and relaxed during shoots, Kristen tapped him for the project, and he gamely agreed to photograph 93 community members over four days.
“We told everyone to bring in whatever you’ve been working on this year. If you struggled with dovetails, then bring in your dovetail [joinery] setup. We want to document that because you should really be proud,” Kristen says.
While preparing for the shoot, Tony revisited The Skilled Tradesman, a famous series of gelatin silver print portraits by German photographer August Sander, as well as The Small Trades, Irving Penn’s iconic 1950’s portraits of petit métiers (small tradesmen) posing in work uniforms beside their tools. However, unlike Penn’s images which sometimes come across as condescending and classist, the NBSS portraits are grounded in respect and optimism.
Altogether, the process demanded a grueling 20 hours of time broken down into 15-minute increments for each photo shoot. A small conference room was transformed into a temporary photography studio with the addition of lighting equipment, a Nikon D810, a natural canvas backdrop, plus Kristen and Tony.
Students and faculty hauled in everything from a piano action and a meticulously built violin, to 18th century bound books, sentimental toolboxes, and hand-fabricated rings. Faculty member Michael Burrey worked on his shave horse, and several Preservation Carpentry students posed beside a Corinthian capital with acanthus leaves they are carving in relief—part of the Hancock mansion door façade recreation, an ongoing, multiyear project. Some of the portraits, like that of Daniel Osach CF ’21 adjusting his stiff leather work boots, take on a confident, performative mood, while others like Susan Sit PT ’21 listening to headphones with her eyes closed, feel intimate and contemplative.
Kristen’s own portrait features a frayed 100-foot-long cable—a memento of all the equipment she carted between NBSS workspaces to plug in her laptop for various virtual In the Making episodes.
From behind the lens, Tony observes that, “being able to bring in a piece that they made or tools they used gave people space to feel confidence and a sense of pride. What came out was a mood of hope for how these pictures will appear in the future, in terms of doing things with your hands and the sense of community that got us through this rough year.”
Insightful thoughts and favorite NBSS memories accompanying each portrait on the project’s website give vivid individual voices to human resilience, and a sheer love for the school and the lasting lessons it imparts.
The Portraits
Hometown: Hong Kong/Vancouver
(See video of Susan below)
What’s your favorite place to be?
Anywhere with pianos.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
Full-time homemaker.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Practice makes big progress!
What’s something about you that surprises people?
I love celery.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
My monkey twins.
Hometown: Melrose, MA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Keep learning and practicing.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
Raised my children.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
Painting red stripes on miniature bowling pins at a trophy factory. That’s where I first used a lathe.
Dream job or project?
Working on mechanical systems, which is why I went to school at NBSS.
Favorite place to be?
On my motorcycle in Vermont.
Hometown: Portland, ME
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
If you’re excited about something, no matter how out of reach it may seem initially, you’ll find a way to do it if you keep taking comfortable steps towards it.
Favorite NBSS experience?
The excitement you share and feel with your classmates and instructors when you’re learning to make pretty much anything. Summed up in the sentence, ”Isn’t that cool?!” You can really feel the excitement behind it, like a magic trick.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
Bartending and growing in the beautiful city of Portland, ME. The community there is a big factor in me being who I am. The smiles are different there.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
Learning history of random woodworking topics, video games, driving aimlessly, and antique stores.
Dream job or project?
Dream job would be traveling and teaching woodworking around the world.
There’s so many different styles everywhere! And who knows what people will make once they learn how to.
Hometown: New Canaan, CT
Hometown: Eureka, CA
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I worked as a cake decorator.
Dream job or project?
My dream job is to work in the Vatican Library.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Making my own tools, like paring knives, lifting knives, and bone folders.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
An important lesson that I’ve learned is that if you take the time to do the initial steps of a project well, it makes the rest go much smoother.
Hometown: New Providence, NJ
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Beyond just tuning and servicing pianos, I’ve learned a lot of the life skills necessary to have professional relationships and a stable career.
What’s your favorite place to be?
I love being in theatres. There’s something about being alone in a theatre, whether it’s tuning a piano or arriving early to a show, that makes you feel small but important. Spaces like that have a different energy.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was studying to be a music teacher when I found the opportunity to apprentice with a graduate. After a couple years of work I knew I needed to come to NBSS.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
Having a weekly scheduled D&D campaign helped satisfy a lot of the social needs I had being in quarantine, and it helped me gauge the weeks as they went by.
Hometown: Tulsa, OK
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Resilience in the face of frustration.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was a full-time professional musician, working as a music director and orchestrator/arranger locally and abroad—spending most of my time in Oklahoma City, but also working on projects in Austin, China, Germany, and Japan.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
Spending two weeks in Tianjin, China presenting musical theatre showcases in English, and teaching opera and pop music students how to dance and sing in the American Musical Theatre style.
Favorite NBSS experience?
It’s a tie between the day our instructor taught us how to replace a broken string—bending wire with our bare hands!—and the first time I tuned an entire piano by ear in 3 hours.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
I’m very much an introvert—I’ve just practiced my small talk skills a lot!
Hometown: Saugus, MA
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
It’s okay to fail and even when things go wrong there’s usually some way to salvage it. Also, there will always be mistakes but you shouldn’t point them out to people, and after a year you probably won’t see them anymore.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I got bachelors & masters degrees in Industrial Design, served as a missionary in Illinois for 18 months, and river guided for 2 summers.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Eating lunch in the violin room every day my first year with my sister, Brooke, was a dream come true. I also really enjoyed getting to know the faculty, administrators, fellow students, and details of the school as a student worker.
Dream job or project?
Being a homemaker and mother is my dream job. My dream project would be commissioned fine bindings of the Harry Potter series.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
River guiding always seems to get peoples attention, but I also worked as a seamstress in an upholstery shop, and I had a job planning activities and trips for a group of Brazilian students at a community college.
(See video of Plamen below)
Hometown: Everett, MA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
I have learned to trust myself in making decisions where I do not yet how they’re going to turn out. Being able to explore beyond my comfort zone and dig deep inside of myself to showcase my true abilities of craftsmanship. Being around like minded people has open my eyes to the many versatile opportunities that are within the trades. Carpentry has allowed be to seek past my self limitations and form a new level of confidence to successfully keep enjoying this journey that I have embarked on.
Favorite NBSS experience?
My favorite experience thus far about NBSS has been the many small lessons that have continued to teach me huge things. The small lessons have a special place because they have taught me the most. It is never a dull moment when these lessons continue to show up throughout the school year. It also shows that no matter how small the detail, in the carpentry trade, the smallest details tend to be the biggest solutions.
(See video of Viet below)
Favorite NBSS experience?
Learning new techniques and then being able to practice and perfect them.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I worked security at Harvard University and was a part-time bartender.
Dream job or project?
I dream and aspire to be a professional race-car driver.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Don’t believe that you know everything. There’s always something new to learn.
Hometown: Quincy, MA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Learning and acquiring any skill takes time, humility, and steady plodding.
Favorite NBSS experience?
In a macro sense, my favorite aspect of my NBSS experience has been the people that I work alongside and the actual work we get to take on. It is a delight to learn from not only my instructors, but also from my classmates as they bring a wide range of experience and perspective (ages ranging from 19 to mid-60s).
Favorite distractions in the past year?
Walks! Walking in the woods. Walking in the street. If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
After graduating with a B.A. in Sculpture and Design, I moved abroad to teach at a college art program in Italy. In living alongside these ancient buildings and learning from their makers, I wanted to participate in the preservation of these buildings and their stories. Upon moving back to the United States I worked as a stonemason as I figured I should begin at the foundations. After this I enrolled at North Bennet Street School for Preservation Carpentry.
Carpentry student Cecelia Marquez CA ’21 says: “I loved that this space teaches us to work at a really high caliber, but it’s also a comfortable space to do it. We’re free to make mistakes and I think that our teachers do a really awesome job at starting us off at that base level, because a lot of us come in here without much woodworking skill and bringing us up to speed. I think they do a really phenomenal job.”
Hometown: Framingham, MA
Favorite NBSS experience?
The students! They bring an ever-changing wonderful spirit and desire to learn that is invigorating.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
As a student, I learned about the great variety of pianos and how to best take care of them.
As an instructor, I’ve learned so much about the great variety of students and learning styles, and how best to get information to be accessible to them.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
Making jigsaw puzzles has been distracting & relaxing at the same time.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was a personal lines insurance agent, and then a piano teacher for 15 years.
Hometown: Lodi, CA
Favorite NBSS experience?
Everyday is an experience at NBSS. From taking the T to school, walking around North End, endlessly tuning pianos, doing various shop work and repair projects, it’s all been an experience. My favorite experience has been the process of learning how to aurally tune a piano. It’s easily one of the hardest things that I have learned to do. It takes a lot of discipline and patience. Working through that all year has been a life changing experience. Seeing my tuning progress a little bit everyday has been one of the most accomplishing things.
Dream job or project?
My dream job is to eventually own my own business one day. It’s been my dream for quite a few years to tune pianos all day. Not only will I get to know many pianos, I will get to know the people who own those pianos.
Hometown: Londonderry, NH
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was a high-school student. I knew I wanted to be a carpenter, so I applied soon after I graduated.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Timber framing as a class.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
NBSS helped me learn how to enjoy hard work. That’s definitely something I’ve struggled with, and woodworking has taught me that the struggle of the work is cleansing for the mind.
Favorite NBSS experience?
You’re kidding right? They’re all my favorite experiences.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
The most interesting? Hmm. Being the Ship’s nurse on an aircraft carrier for more than 5000 people.
Hometown: North Pole, Alaska
(See video of Joanna below)
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I spent 2 years serving with AmeriCorps after college.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
How to fail and learn from my mistakes!
Hometown: Needham, MA
Favorite NBSS experience?
I have always loved the camaraderie and casual conversations and laughter that happens during NBSS special events, such as PB&J Day and the Holiday Party. I can’t wait to bring back these events bigger than ever!
Favorite distractions in the past year?2020: Reading lots of detective novels, drinking lots of tea, and wearing lots of pajamas and slippers!
What’s something about you that surprises people?
I don’t drink coffee. Also, I’m an avid drummer and keyboard player.
Hometown: Malaysia/Oklahoma
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
How much I desire to work in the piano field, everyday helps me know more about the instrument.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Meeting new people 🙂
(See video of John below)
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
I was a children’s ski instructor for about eight years at a small resort in Indiana.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
People seem surprised when they find out I’m a religious brother who likes woodworking.
Hometown: West Hartford, CT
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Embracing and learning from mistakes. Being here, the curriculum has allowed me to make numerous books in a setting where materials are readily available, a rarity in the field. It’s invaluable as I am allowed to practice my skills repeatedly on different bindings. Not only do I learn from any mistakes I make during the process of binding a book, but the repetition has also helped me get faster and more confident in my hand skills. I am able to understand what areas I need to work on as a result, knowing that the next book I make will probably be better.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
Prior to coming to North Bennet, I studied Ancient Studies at college in western Massachusetts followed by a year abroad at graduate school in Edinburgh, where I obtained a Masters in Classical Art and Archaeology. Upon returning to the States after grad school, I knew I wanted to work in a museum or library setting and my mother introduced me to the idea of becoming a book and paper conservator. I applied and was accepted into the book conservation program at West Dean College, which was my introduction to bookbinding. I spent a year at West Dean and followed up with several volunteer positions and internships at conservation labs, ranging from the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston, to Yale University Library, to a private practice in Vermont. My decision to apply to NBSS was informed by the glowing praise of the program from my fellow colleagues, as well as a desire to develop the necessary hand skills and confidence needed for the book conservation field.
Favorite NBSS experience?
I’ve enjoyed taking part in several workshops. It has, of course, been different due to the pandemic but no less entertaining. My personal favorite was spending a week learning about using natural dyes to color paper, which yielded some incredible results. As someone who really enjoys learning about different decorative papers, it was very fun to get our hands dirty and experiment with different dyes and mordants on various types of paper.
Most interesting job you’ve ever had?
Working for Vidal Sassoon.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was, and am currently, a hair stylist.
Dream job or project?
To develop my own furniture line.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
That I grew up in Alabama.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Being able to learn from such great knowledgeable teachers.
Hometown: Boston, MA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
My first impression of North Bennet Street Industrial School back in 1977 was “I finally found a place that cared about doing good work.” It is so amazing to realize the beautiful, complex, practical work that can be done with simple hand tools, and wood is such a beautiful and varied medium.
Hometown: Boston, MA
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
I am a master seamstress, so I spent most of high school tailoring and making prom dresses. Now I mostly mend torn uniforms for people who I train with.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
I’m not sure. Maybe that I’m a wrestler. I don’t think people expect that from how I dress or my job.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
The gym, Formula 1, Game of Thrones, and my coffee machine.
Graduate PT ’06, PA ’07
Hometown: Peaks Island, ME
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Show up on time. And stay hydrated.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
For 18 months I was the Photo Archivist at Playboy Magazine.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
How to work with a team. Being able to bounce ideas off of each other or lending someone a hand is essential in carpentry, and this school is amazing at teaching us how crucial that is.
Hometown: Sturbridge, MA
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was a composer for television.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
Weaving, pottery, and pianos!
Hometown: Bethesda, MD
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
There’s no better feeling than loving your work!
Hometown: Frisco, Texas
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was an elementary school teacher.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Playing review Jeopardy for our midterm exam.
Dream job or project?
Building copies of historic pianos.
Hometown: Newton, MA
(See video of Kevin below)
Favorite NBSS experience?
Anytime something winds up being faster with an axe, adze, or chisel than a power tool.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was a beekeeper at Best Bees in Boston.
Hometown: Manchester, NH
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was a sculpture fabricator specializing in mold-making and casting.
Favorite NBSS experience?
I will never forget when I heard my first violin being played for the first time. There’s so much effort and uncertainty that goes in to completing the first instrument, from submitting an application to NBSS, to moving to Boston, to applying an immense amount of newly-learned skills towards an unfamiliar process. Hearing it for the first time is pure validation to keep moving forward full stop.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Violin making and repair is extremely rewarding, but at times it is very challenging, frustrating, and monotonous. There will be superb days and there will be difficult days. It is imperative to listen to your body and understand when you can take advantage of having good days or when you need to step back, switch focus, and dig yourself out of a hole. Working day after day at the bench has taught me so much about myself and how to face stress and anxiety in a healthier way.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
Cooking, cycling, and Mario Kart. Wait, no, I mean… violin making! Mostly Mario Kart…
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Favorite place to be?
Lake Front, at home in New Orleans.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
A fellow student bringing in sweets every Thursday.
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
That a day in the shop is always a day well spent.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Everyday being surrounded by people full of passion for the trade they are studying.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
I will graduate from NBSS at age 19.
Favorite place to be?
At a work bench. I have grown up sitting at one with my dad learning from him, and now I get to bring a new skill home to teach him.
Hometown: Cambridge, MA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Not only not being afraid to fail, but also not being afraid to succeed in an environment where we are always being challenged to do something new.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Meeting so many kind, curious, and wonderful people throughout the entire institution.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
For many years, I turned pages for a couple dozen pianists performing chamber programs, vocal recitals, and more. It’s a singular experience, being able to sit so close to performers of the highest caliber, while they are offering so much of their own spirits to other people.
Hometown: Mansfield, MA
One interesting tradition in furniture making is the inclusion of secret compartments to provide a secure location for valuables. These compartments sometimes are found to hold letters and other artifacts from the owner or maker of the piece.
In my clock, I incorporated a hidden compartment in the lower section using a magnetic lock that I designed (it uses opposing magnets as the “spring” that holds the pin latch shut). Inside this compartment is a letter for someone to find (hopefully a great, great grandchild) that speaks to some of the events during the pandemic through the lens of my experience at NBSS.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
The value of a thriving learning community. Fellow students and the instructors together create an environment that fosters learning at a deep level.
What’s your favorite place to be?
Beyond NBSS (which I am on record as saying is the best place ever), anywhere with my wife Anne Marie.
My all-time favorite place to visit is the Science and Technology building at the Smithsonian. I also enjoy performing with really good musicians.
Hometown: Wooster, OH
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
The way that deep intelligence comes in all forms, through the hands, through the objects, through the histories, through the extended community of what we do.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Walking the shops, seeing people at work, and hearing their enthusiasms for what they are learning or teaching.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
I was an open water lifeguard in Vermont and a deep water aerobics teacher at a downtown YWCA—what a crowd!
Dream job or project?
To be a dahlia farmer on a donkey refuge.
Favorite place to be?
These days, in the garden, hearing the sounds of my sweetheart working in her studio and our puppy playing in the yard.
Hometown: Fremont, NH
(See video of Mark below)
Favorite NBSS experience?
Thursday morning lectures with instructor Lance Patterson.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
The ability to repair mistakes.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
U.S. Navy.
Hometown: West Shokan, NY
Favorite NBSS experience?
The moment in a “Lance lecture” when he blows your mind with some aspect of furniture you never thought about or knew existed.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was a foreman for a high-end roofing company for several years. After that I worked at a cooperage making barrels.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
Probably that I am now a cabinet maker and can make fancy furniture.
Dream job or project?
There is this Duncan Phyfe cabinet on cylinder front desk at the MET that I would love to make some day. It has large barred glass doors with velvet curtains, and a cylinder desk that stands on gilded hairy legs and paws.
(See video of Lily below)
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
I used to volunteer as a call center operator at the Samaritans crisis hotline—one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of my life.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
Despite being six feet tall, I’m terrible at basketball.
Favorite place to be?
Anywhere near a body of water.
Carpentry ’21
Hometown: Saugus, MA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
The technical terms of the trade.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was a Veteran’s Service Officer and business student.
Favorite NBSS experience?
The culture and community at NBSS; having the opportunity to grow as a person, and learn from creative and knowledgeable people in the trades.s
Most interesting job you’ve ever had?
Infantryman in the United States Marine Corps.
Favorite place to be?
Anywhere with my kids!
Hometown: Ennis, MT
Favorite NBSS experience?
Walking in every morning with a big grin on my face, excited to start the day.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
Chinese Linguist/ soldier, math degree, ski lift electrician, service industry.
Dream job or project?
Starting an artist retreat/co-op/commune on a good chunk of land with a bunch of tiny houses and some nice communal shop space.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
Surprise FaceTiming friends and family.
Hometown: Boston, MA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Problem solving—I’ve honed that skill every day since I started at NBSS as a student in 1994.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
Working at NBSS is definitely the most interesting job I’ve ever had—everyday is different and it continues to be challenging and interesting. Although I did once work behind the scenes on a fashion show at a nightclub in NYC.
Favorite NBSS experience?
When we’re not under pandemic protocols, I love walking around the building visiting the programs to see what the students are doing. I learn something new everyday by asking what they’re working on, or by asking the instructors what they’re teaching that day.
Hometown: Boone, NC
(See video of Eliot below)
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
Professional bluegrass musician.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Take difficulties in stride, and make projects work out even if everything doesn’t go to plan.
Hometown: Worchester, MA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Growth, improvement, and excellence are always possible. So is failure. Embrace the opportunities they offer.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was a “craft” jeweler and metalsmith, and lifeguard and swim instructor before enrolling as a student. Bench jeweler and designer before joining the faculty.
What is your favorite NBSS experience?
Graduation. To see so much accomplishment—by students and instructors alike—all in one place and on one day is staggering and humbling. It’s easy to forget how profound and intense the NBSS journey is when you’re working hard with your head down in the middle of it, but impossible to ignore on graduation day.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
Knitting, knitting, knitting!
Hometown: Calais, VT
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
One of the most important things I’ve learned at NBSS is to look at my work with a critical, unbiased eye, and to separate my work from myself.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
Most interesting job I’ve had was as a master dyer, weaver, and embosser for a business that makes historical reproduction fabrics by hand. My work is in a number of major museums.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
I know a startling amount about major league baseball.
Favorite place to be?
Put me in a wood shop, outside on a mountain, or in front of a wood stove with a good book, and I am very happy.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was a professional hand weaver, and simultaneously a homeschooled high schooler.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
That in the right environment we are all capable of incredible things. That environment exists here at NBSS.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
Learning how to plumb, plaster, and re-wire my antique home.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
For most: that I am a classically trained cellist. For friends + family: that I know what an ethernet cable is.
Hometown: Hyde Park, MA
What’s something about you that surprises people?
People are always surprised by how loud I can laugh, they tend to come from the pit of my belly.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
The most important concept that I have practiced at NBSS has been patience with self. I came to NBSS with a very small foundation of carpentry knowledge and through my nine months of learning I have developed a newfound sense of confidence. I trust my skills and ability to face a challenge and learn from it to better perform when faced with a new opportunity to test myself.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Some of my favorite moments at NBSS have happened off site working with timber framing, but the memory that will stick forever will be of a time where our class was learning to cope miter molding. I was such a hard time coping at an angle, but I was able to persevere through the support of my classmate, Amanda and Peter, our instructor.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
Before enrolling in the fall of 2020, I was working with a local non profit called YouthBuild Boston. My time was spent recruiting youth that were interested in learning more about the building trades and seeing if it was a good career path for them. In turn, I realized that the trades were a good fit for me.
Hometown: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
Doing public relations for a romance book publisher.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
I’ve been thanked in the acknowledgments of several romance novels.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
How to tune a piano!
Hometown: Sterling Heights, MI
(See video of Martyna below)
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
I’ve learned that there are many ways to execute a project. Everyone has their own way of doing things, but there is a historic and practical reason and context to do something in a certain way. You need to learn to do things following tradition and master the rules, and then you can deviate from them for creative and aesthetic reasons.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
In 2017, I earned a Bachelor of Fine Art from the College of Creative Studies in Detroit, MI. I am a multimedia artist. I enjoy photography, landscape painting, printmaking, and collage. I was interested in sustainable art making practices and that led me to learn about paper-making and bookbinding. I participated in solo and group exhibitions as well as artist residencies.
Hometown: Walpole, NH
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
Software project management.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Cutting a timber frame
Hometown: Weymouth, MA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Buildings that have survived for 200+ years, can be and deserve to be preserved for another 200+ years.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
Public school STEM teacher.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
I lived underwater for four days researching Caribbean reef sponges.
(See video of Jane below)
Charlotte, a second-year Preservation Carpentry student, used stereoscopic images from the 1860s to recreate a bust from the broken pediment on the inside façade of the now-demolished Hancock Mansion. Over the past three years, Preservation Carpentry students have been re-creating the first and second floors of the Mansion’s entryway and all its intricate details.
It was unknown who this bust depicted, so Charlotte dove deep into research—narrowing down icons and figures that would have been used at that time and eventually landing on Nike, the Greek goddess of victory.
Using classical representations of Nike, Charlotte started with a one-day rough build at a 1:1 clay scale—just to get sizing ready for carving. Using those measurements, she then carved the bust out of eastern white pine incorporating details specific to Nike.
The carved bust remains unfinished, waiting for the next class of Preservation Carpentry students to get to work on their segment of the Hancock Mansion project.
When my mom was in art school, her parents gave her money for groceries. Instead she went and bought this tool box. I found it when I was around 7 years old, emptied her things out, put my own tools in, and have used it ever since.
Hometown: Wausau, WI
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
The most important thing I’ve learned is probably patience. From learning new things and sitting in lessons I’ve already had to teaching other students what I know, patience is key.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
Before coming to NBSS, I was a Combat Engineer in the USMC. Expedient framing, roofing, laying and repairing concrete slabs, laying concrete block, cutting trees down, expedient bridging, using different explosives, sweeping for landmines, and booby traps. Fun fact, we are taught all those thing in two months total in the school house where we learn our jobs.
Favorite place to be?
Funnily enough, I love being at NBSS.
From Kolin:
”Lance is equal parts master craftsman and urban legend.
For anyone who takes the time and opportunity to learn from Lance finds an incredibly caring and intelligent individual.
Lance knows the answer to every one of your questions and is never unimpressed by them. He cares about your work in a way that helps you understand and care for it more yourself.
To learn from Lance was not only one of the greatest opportunities during my time at North Bennet Street School, but one of my greatest privileges.”
Hometown: Tuxedo, NY
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
It can be rewarding to be surprised, and it’s an honor to be on the journey of discovery with people. [Cabinet & Furniture Making graduate] Abbie Smith CF ’19 had never been a woodworker, was accepted to Carpentry based on her transferable skills and work ethic as a Marine. She took the Three-Month Furniture Making course and excelled to the point that her instructor and classmates recruited her to Cabinet & Furniture Making. Abbie’s husband, who I tried to recruit on their initial visit, was on his way to auto mechanic training, and when that fell through he came back and was accepted to Carpentry. They both intended on going into business together from the start, and they are doing just that now.
It’s right to give people second and third chances in most cases. Timing in a prospective student’s life plays an important and sometimes unknown factor in how and why they present their interest to grow in this direction.
Dream job or project?
This is certainly a dream job. To be in the position to facilitate and witness transformation at this level is an honor and a privilege.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
Enrollment Manager
Retail Manager
Film Producer
House Painter
Ski Lift Operator Manager
Favorite place to be?
With my family. Going on adventures. Wherever I am.
One of my favorite things to witness has always been the sun’s reflection off of water on the underside of leaves.
Favorite distractions in the past year?
I’m a fan of the journey being the destination. I’m always working on things around the house. I started making comedy videos about fixing things as a character who makes it all happen with whatever is within arms reach.
Hometown: Watertown, MA
(See video of Svetlana below)
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
To be patient. Mastering new skills takes time, and a lot of practice and patience.
What is your favorite NBSS experience?
Becoming part of the incredible NBSS community!
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I was full time mommy during the day and bartender at night.
Hometown: West Simsbury, CT
Favorite NBSS experience?
Lance lectures on Thursday mornings. Fresh tea and a snack to make it really excellent.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
I have worked producing Mezcal in rural Mexico, sewing saddlebags for motorcycles in Seattle, and carving briar tobacco pipes in Nashville.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
I have been playing bluegrass banjo since the age of thirteen! I also share my apartment with three parrots.
Hometown: West Bend, WI
(See video of Mitch below)
Dream job or project?
I’m starting at my dream job immediately after graduation, working full time as a conservation technician at the National Archives in Washington DC, repairing and stabilizing Civil War era documents in preparation for digitization.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
Mistakes are inevitable and the most effective means of progress. Also, the secret of bookbinding is board attachment.
Favorite NBSS experience?
Feeling a sense of purpose and belonging, surrounded by dozens of diverse, talented, and manually-minded crafts- and tradespeople.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
If I’m careful, everything.
Hometown: Rockport, MA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
That mastery is not a mystery.
That there is joy in the hearty pursuit of something we value; joy that is realized with each buildable step, each gain in skill, knowledge, and growth.
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
While I have been in education in various roles for almost 30 years, right before I came to NBSS I was working as Studio Manager and Assistant for Sylvia Nicolas, a stained glass artist in Mont Vernon, New Hampshire.
Favorite NBSS experience?
NBSS Graduation at Old North Church. It’s beautiful, uplifting, deeply satisfying, and an immense privilege to be able to share it with the graduates.
Hometown: Springville, IA
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
The “why” is just as important as the “how” in our craft.
Strangest/most interesting job you’ve ever had?
I designed and presented a new baseball stadium to a major league team. The entire design/modeling process was done by myself and 2 others completely in our free time.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
I was the state improv champion in high school.
Most important thing you’ve learned at NBSS?
To be proud of the work I make, and patience. In Cabinet & Furniture Making they tell us “it takes the time it takes.”
What did you do before coming to NBSS?
I have my undergraduate degrees in sculpture and art history and worked in a kitchen before I was accepted to NBSS.
What’s something about you that surprises people?
That I spent 2 months studying traditional printmaking and poetry in Japan.
(Wearing a hat that says “Make Plywood Cheap Again”)
Hometown: Lafayette, IN
Dream job or project?
I love to make historic style bindings. Making models and replicas allows me to experience the materials, tools, and techniques—and the resulting look and function of books—just as binders of the past. It is like time travel.
Favorite NBSS experience?
I love the fact that I get to keep learning everyday right alongside my students.
The Interviews
Susan Sit PT ’21
Viet Phan LK ’21
Lily Tilton CF ’22
Mitch Gundrum BB ’21
Kevin Damon-Cronmiller PC ’21
Martyna Gryko BB ’22
Plamen Jetchev LK ’21
Eliot Smith VM ’22
Jane Knoll BB ’21
Mark DeVeber CF ’21
Joanna Parrish JM ’22
Svetlana Daneva CA ’21
John Boissy CF ’22
This story is part of the 2021 issue of Benchmarks magazine. View more Benchmarks stories here, or view more issues.